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CK v Dun & Bradstreet: Balancing Transparency and Trade Secrets in Automated Decision-Making 

Article by Tsaaro

7 min read

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)’s decision in CK v Dun & Bradstreet Austria offers important insights into the intersection of automated decision-making, individual rights, and trade secret protection under the GDPR. The integration of technology and Artificial Intelligence(AI) into vital aspects of life, such as credit scoring, employment, banking etc. has led to an opacity in the decision-making processes of organizations. This directly affects individuals who are regularly faced with such automated decisions, without ever finding out the reasonings behind them. The ruling in the D&B case stated that individuals have a right to request meaningful information, regarding the logic utilized in making automated decisions that significantly affect them, thus reinforcing the principles of transparency and fairness enshrined in EU data protection law. 

Background and Facts of the Case 

The conflict started when Dun & Bradstreet Austria (D&B) rejected CK’s application for a mobile phone contract due to an unfavourable credit evaluation. In an effort to contest this ruling, CK asked for information regarding D&B’s methodology. However, D&B declined to share this information on the grounds that revealing the reasoning behind its automated decision-making would expose confidential trade secrets and thus be detrimental to their organization.  

Subsequently, CK filed a lawsuit, claiming that D&B’s denial had infringed upon her GDPR rights, including her right to know the rationale behind choices that had a big influence on her. When this case finally made it to the CJEU, it brought up important issues regarding how businesses should strike a balance between their duties to be transparent under GDPR and the protection of trade secrets. 

Legal Basis and Reasoning of the Court 

The court’s ruling placed considerable emphasis on the GDPR’s provisions that safeguard individuals against opaque automated decision-making. Central to the decision was Article 22 GDPR, which protects individuals from being subjected to decisions based solely on automated processing that have significant consequences. The court relied on this article and emphasised that it was essential for individuals to have a right to understand the underlying logic behind such decisions, even if the exact mechanics of the algorithm are not disclosed. In addition to Article 22, the court highlighted Article 15(1)(h), which grants individuals the right to request “meaningful information about the logic involved” in automated decisions.  

  1. Meaningful Information: The CJEU within its judgement clarified what exactly is considered as “meaningful information” under Article 15(1)(h) of the GDPR. It is vital for Data Subjects to receive information that allows them to sufficiently understand the key factors and reasoning behind an automated decision, particularly one that affects them in any significant manner. However, the court does not simply leave this up for interpretation, it also sets limits on what this obligation entails for organizations. Data controllers are not required to disclose their full algorithm, source code, or intricate technical details to the data subject. Instead, the information provided by them must be sufficiently clear for the average, reasonable individual to grasp the logic, criteria, and main parameters driving the decision. The purpose is to allow individuals to have access to information that allows them to assess whether the automated decision was fair, accurate, and lawful, not to expose the controller’s proprietary methods in their entirety. This balance reflects the court’s recognition that while trade secrets may remain protected, they cannot be used to deny individuals their right to understand decisions that impact their rights and interests. 
  1. Trade Secrets vs. Data Subject Rights: A core issue in the Dun & Bradstreet case was the need to balance the protection of trade secrets and ensuring data subjects’ right to access information about automated decisions. D&B argued that disclosing information about its credit assessment logic would reveal proprietary trade secrets as they would have to divulge sensitive information regarding their algorithm and other processes. However, the CJEU decided that trade secrets cannot be invoked as a general defence as the automated process is directly linked to making decisions that affect an individual. Therefore, the court stated that although companies are not compelled to reveal their complete algorithm or all of the technical specifics, they still need to give enough information so that the person may comprehend the reasoning behind the choice. This guarantees that the right to an explanation is realistic and enforceable without unduly jeopardizing the interests of companies to safeguard their proprietary techniques. The CJEU emphasized that the purpose of this right is to guarantee that people are capable of determining whether an automated result is accurate and fair. Importantly, the court rejected D&B’s argument that trade secret protection justified withholding this information, reasoning that a data subject’s right to understand how a decision is made cannot be overridden simply by citing proprietary concerns. 
  1. Transparency as a Safeguard Against Unlawful Processing: The ruling reflects the general principles of the GDPR, such as accountability and transparency. By requiring businesses to provide comprehensible explanations, the court reinforced that transparency is essential for individuals to challenge unlawful or unfair processing. Without such transparency, businesses could potentially face a multitude of problems, such as:  
  • Risk of bias and discrimination – Algorithms are trained based upon existing data sets, however, if any algorithm is trained upon a data set that is incomplete or biased in itself then the results it produces are likely to be biased as well.  
  • Erosion of Accountability – Organizations may shift the blame for any harmful outcomes entirely on algorithms.  
  • Barriers to meaningful redress –  If organizations are not transparent regarding automated decisions, then individuals may face significant challenges in contesting the same. 

The court thus relied on the GDPR’s broader principles of fairness, lawfulness, and transparency, emphasizing that businesses must communicate their processing logic in a way that is comprehensible to data subjects. Additionally, Article 12 of GDPR was referenced to reinforce the obligation for clear, accessible communication when individuals request details about automated decisions. 

Scope and Practical Implications of the Judgment 

The CJEU’s ruling carries significant implications for businesses, consumers, and data protection authorities across the EU. 

  • Organizations: The ruling mandates that companies using automated decision-making systems that would directly affect any individual, to create specific procedures for elucidating the reasoning behind conclusions reached by such systems. They may continue to safeguard trade secrets and proprietary algorithms, but this cannot come at the price of significant transparency. Businesses may now need to update their internal procedures to make sure they can explain automated decision-making in a clear and understandable manner. 
  • Individuals: The decision upholds the concrete right of data subjects to know the rationale behind decisions that affect them. In sectors like credit scoring, insurance evaluations, and others that mostly depend on automated processes, this improves consumer safety. The court has strengthened individual rights in contesting potentially unfair rulings by upholding that businesses cannot conceal information by claiming it is a trade secret. 
  • Regulators and member states: The ruling places greater responsibility on data protection authorities to enforce transparency standards. Supervisory bodies will need to ensure that organizations fulfil their obligations under GDPR without over-relying on trade secret protections as a justification for withholding information. 


The CK v Dun & Bradstreet Austria ruling strengthens individual rights in the context of automated decision-making, which has started to affect more and more aspects of an individual’s life. The general consensus, around the globe remained that individuals have a right to receive explanations for any significant decisions that directly affect them. Through this ruling the CJEU has now extended the same right to automated decisions as well, reinforcing the GDPR’s commitment to transparency, fairness, and accountability. For businesses, the judgment highlights the need to establish clear frameworks for explaining automated processes, even where trade secrets are involved. As data-driven decision-making continues to expand across industries, this ruling serves as a critical reminder that innovation must be balanced with respect for fundamental privacy rights. 

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