Airtel Data Breach
Airtel is in the center of a massive data breach that left all of its user data vulnerable to potential theft. A hacker group going by the name of Red Rabbit Team has posted detailsAirtel Data Breach
Airtel is in the center of a massive data breach that left all of its user data vulnerable to potential theft. A hacker group going by the name of Red Rabbit Team has posted detailsAirtel Data Breach
Since the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was introduced in 2018, countless organizations have made headlines for violations. (…British Airways, Marriot International Hotels, Austrian Post.) Google received the biggest fine so far in 2020 – €50 millionEuropean Data Breaches & the GDPR
Introduction Penetration testing is the process of simulating real cyber-attacks against your own systems in order to discover security holes that attackers can take advantage of. It’s a term that encompasses the many types ofAutomated Penetration Testing
Introduction: Personal details such as email IDs, full names, phone numbers, and debit and credit card details of over 100 million users of Juspay has been breached by a hacker who posted the data forJuspay Data Breach
What’s Happened? There has been a massive and very sophisticated supply chain cyberattack, recently discovered in the US, allegedly perpetrated by an adversary nation-state using compromised Orion business software of US based IT management softwareSolarWinds: Supply Chain Attack
Cybersecurity is emerging as one of the most important professional fields and as per the expectations, the graph of cyber security professionals is going to increase on a large scale in 2021 and other upcomingHow to Become a Penetration Tester?